About The Literacy Assistance Center
The Literacy Assistance Center (LAC) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to strengthening and expanding the adult education system, and to advancing adult literacy as a core value in our society and a foundation for equal opportunity and social justice. Since 1983, the LAC has been working to build the capacity and improve the quality of the basic education, high school equivalency, and English language programs that serve New York’s most educationally and economically marginalized adults and out-of-school youth. Our primary services include teacher training, instructional coaching, curriculum development support, data management and data analysis, and leadership support for adult education practitioners in community-based organizations (CBOs), libraries, community colleges, public school systems, and union-based training funds.
The Literacy Assistance Center (LAC) is a DYCD Capacity Building TA Provider. LAC trains staff from DYCD funded organizations to design and implement literacy programming for (1) adults (2) adolescents, and (3) English Language Learners.
Contact for questions: Cynthia Bell e: cynthiab@lacnyc.org t: (212) 803-3306
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TA Provider Contact for this Training or Event: {name}
TA Provider Contact Phone: {phoneNumber}
TA Provider Contact Email: {TAemail}
Description: {EventDescription}
Learning Objectives:
Facilitator/s: {facilitators}
Who Should Attend: {WhoShouldAttend}
Closing Date of Registration: {ClosingDate}
Training or Event Location: {location}
Training or Event Type: {trainingType}
Duration: {TrainingDuration}
Training or Event Date(s):
Who Should Attend:{WhoShouldAttend}
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